Saturday, June 26, 2010

Be romantic, don't forget to have fun

And Ever Has It Been That Love Knows Not Its Own Depth Until The Hour Of Separation. – Kahlil Gibran

"Love simply is, there is no need for you to prove your love to anyone, let alone people."

Converse, communicate, connect, share … there is nothing I would like to put more emphasis on that this. If communicating isn’t in a person's domain, if a person isnt a very verbal, expressive person, if a lover used to listen and understand your silence till now, this is the time to update your skills; and learn how to relay your emotions appropriately because the hardest thing to do is to communicate on a phone without body language or facial expression and not know whats going on in the other person's soul by simply looking into their eyes. Being a part of each others life should become ONE of your high priorities, just because you have other friends and family doesn't mean that you should always be too comfortable and just think its okay you can always talk to your loved one later. And it should not mean that your partner should be the only thing on your mind, you have to learn to find a balance. Because this will determine how much connected you feel with each other, this will determine how much satisfied you feel with your relationship, your conversations and life in general. This is what is going to keep you sane in times of separation.

Whatever you do, it’s important to create a routine. If we chatted in morning, then every morning without fail, that will be the case. If it’s evening, then evening. Having some routine, a kind of consistency helped. It gave a sense of security, it showed that we can still rely on each other. Having a consistent time also helps in planning for the rest of the day. But at the same time, no matter what routine you create, remember to Be Flexible Always. There are times when because of work deadlines, or other life events we cannot give even one hour to each other. It’s difficult to promise when would we chat or for how much time or whether we would chat at all. At those times, we decide to live life as if there were no plans to chat. If, we both are free and get the opportunity to chat, we treat it as bonus. This will free both of us to do whatever we want with our time and helps in not building any resentments or unnecessary time bindings.

But still, no matter what, when it comes down to it, staying apart from your life partner is always difficult. Nothing can replace complete presence of a loved one in our life. Even if you apply everything mentioned above or anywhere else, you will still miss your partner very much, you will still remember your partner everytime you go out, everytime you see something great. Everytime you see something which brings out a ‘wow’ from you, you will terribly miss your partner and wish there were here to share this. And missing is good. Missing your partner simply means you want him/her to be with you. Staying away from loved one will always be very very difficult.

But the point is, missing someone is difficult, your relationship doesn’t have to be difficult. Inspite of all the distance that comes in between both of you, you can still be an important part of each others life, you can still love each other like crazy, you can still share all your small titbits with your partner, you can still have a happy, loving, fulfilling, successful relationship. You can still have a fantastic relationship – just the way you want.

And I realised that having a happy, loving “long distance” relationship and having a happy, loving “close proximity” relationship isn’t really that different. Whether you're next to each other or whether you're miles away... Both require their own set of adjustments; but in all, nothing changes. The needs are still the same – to love and be loved, to connect, to cherish, be friends and be there for each other.

So, let’s get started … actually lets CONTINUE these adventures

hand in hand, side by side, like we used to

Post Scriptum:

"I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions"

Just because someone expresses themselves in extreme ways, doesn't mean they intend to do so; and just because they seem like they always do it, doesn't mean that that person is really trying with all their might to fight it.

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