Friday, July 25, 2008


am i crazyyyy or SHWAYZE? cause that song's been buzzin' in my head for a while

If you decided to take on the responsibility and brag about all your winnings, why don't you claim your prize and pay the fineeee? ( yes that was to a specific person)

hmmm, what to say, what to do
Recent info./junk
_Go to sno fun then crystal's more than likely see ell then nelyn
_The big weekend's coming for us kids of the Philippine Heritage, how exciting, as usual: just not ready for that stay outside in the three digit weather deal, but its cool, i'll deal with it as usual
_My dad makes me buy cigarettes more often
_My parents make me do more errands
_Got some pants altered
_Princess gave birth about a week ago to 5 adorable pompoms
_I finally finished painting the ASB room; yeahh when i graduated haha
_I've been cooking more often, and experimenting, i've found its easy to have a tester when they're 4 years old and have to listen to what you say, I love ANDREW and AJ cause he's a good sport and tastes it anyways
_I need supplies

Sick and tired of being that one who's willing to do so many things for others, not because I have to, but because I feel obligated to, even though in return I get treated like nothing. Yup, Nothing, No sincere feelings of their deepest gratitude, No remembrance by the one waited on of the task I fulfilled, and definitely No appreciation for the great amount of effort put forth. Well, what do you do but suck it up and hope that someone notices the smallest things you do and pretend that you're not sick and tired, but always welcome to do these favors.

Post Scriptum:
For those of you who read this
I move into my dorm on September 21, 2008
then its Goodbye Delano, and hello 76 degree weather ( i mean IRVINE!)
I'm excited, but scared, as i believe most are, I'll learn to deal with it

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Color me Happy

everything's like falling into place
bank account
new recipes
Andrew said 'I'm gonna miss you Auntie Nena'
my dog's pregnant
thank you, God, on the real fo' real

I'd just like to state this again
Fanny Pak, w/e happens to you, You're my crew
ever since that day i first saw you at Rachma's house

TRIGGER<3 ; why you gotta be sooo ..GOSH!

This will be plain until i come back from Irvine tomorrow
take care =)

maybe its still a little plain
but oh well

IRVINE, gahhh
i got 50% on calc. (intentional)
and 65% on chem.(only had 15 min. to finish)
its cool though, i mean ive still got a lot to learn, why would i skip all the good stuff, riight?
I met this girl named Rochelle from San Mateo, she said when she passed through Bako it was like 112, too bad for her;and it never even got warmer than 78 degrees in irvine, wowww, i love that weather =)
I'm gonna have funn

2 hours stuck in traffic, omggulay

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Keep it Constant

I played tennis at 10pm, yessss =)
hahaha, thanks mati, no thanks to ell, lol

Recap of recent events

Andrew's Kung Fu Panda Birthday
Happy Birthday Eldrin Abuyen
Happy Birthday 'DebBEE'
KDK practice
Love Sushi
Hello Justin & Simon
New friends are cool
Andrew's Birthday Party
Happy 4th of July!
Congrats Rochelle
"Zot... Zot"

Lets check off things on my Summer Wish List
Hangout with all the goofheads [check]
Party in Richgrove [check]
Say I love you to a new person [check]
Go to 5 parties in one day [check]
Draw something new [check]
Talk to someone idk at UCI [check]
& I'm still working on the whole "slow down time" one [halfcheck]

I wish getting into college was an easier process, sometimes the whole filling out papers, writing essays, using a chart to figure out your future deal gets a bit old; why can't they just let you go whenever you want to go, and pay for the class you're going to take instead of taking out $10,000 from your financial aid to pay for direct costs to the school? LAME!

I have to finish this later, cause im going to go shower now, since im gross and didn't take a shower last night, ttyl dear blog.