Thursday, July 10, 2008

Color me Happy

everything's like falling into place
bank account
new recipes
Andrew said 'I'm gonna miss you Auntie Nena'
my dog's pregnant
thank you, God, on the real fo' real

I'd just like to state this again
Fanny Pak, w/e happens to you, You're my crew
ever since that day i first saw you at Rachma's house

TRIGGER<3 ; why you gotta be sooo ..GOSH!

This will be plain until i come back from Irvine tomorrow
take care =)

maybe its still a little plain
but oh well

IRVINE, gahhh
i got 50% on calc. (intentional)
and 65% on chem.(only had 15 min. to finish)
its cool though, i mean ive still got a lot to learn, why would i skip all the good stuff, riight?
I met this girl named Rochelle from San Mateo, she said when she passed through Bako it was like 112, too bad for her;and it never even got warmer than 78 degrees in irvine, wowww, i love that weather =)
I'm gonna have funn

2 hours stuck in traffic, omggulay

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