Saturday, July 5, 2008

Keep it Constant

I played tennis at 10pm, yessss =)
hahaha, thanks mati, no thanks to ell, lol

Recap of recent events

Andrew's Kung Fu Panda Birthday
Happy Birthday Eldrin Abuyen
Happy Birthday 'DebBEE'
KDK practice
Love Sushi
Hello Justin & Simon
New friends are cool
Andrew's Birthday Party
Happy 4th of July!
Congrats Rochelle
"Zot... Zot"

Lets check off things on my Summer Wish List
Hangout with all the goofheads [check]
Party in Richgrove [check]
Say I love you to a new person [check]
Go to 5 parties in one day [check]
Draw something new [check]
Talk to someone idk at UCI [check]
& I'm still working on the whole "slow down time" one [halfcheck]

I wish getting into college was an easier process, sometimes the whole filling out papers, writing essays, using a chart to figure out your future deal gets a bit old; why can't they just let you go whenever you want to go, and pay for the class you're going to take instead of taking out $10,000 from your financial aid to pay for direct costs to the school? LAME!

I have to finish this later, cause im going to go shower now, since im gross and didn't take a shower last night, ttyl dear blog.

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