Saturday, June 21, 2008

Listen close 'cause I don't Boast

"Darlin' open your eyes and let me show you the light"
Thursday: Beverly's kickback/BBQ = smart& final, save mart aka where's the cabbage (lettuce)?? , then Ranch Market to go get bit by the snake even though that rumor is untrue. Wow, Banana chips and sour patch kids, "I only eat the RED ones!!!"..."I want a maple donut", lets go get some said Karen; but instead we get ice cream, whoa, my favorite one too!; OH and btw, I make my Food look 'pretty' =)
Friday: 7 PM tennis was a Bust toooo, FTW??!. lol Kmart with my sister, new tennis balls and nail polish, Score!.. Andrew didn't have any shoes on, hahaha; went to my Ate's house, ate Pssssgetti, garlic bread and salad, salad, salaaaad. Andrew gets frustrated, hahaha he couldn't put the dinosaurs on the side of the couch, Angel says 'what's wrong with you??' and Andrew keeps crying from the frustration of not being able to place his dinos on the side of the couch, its okay kid.
Saturday: I wish I could've gone to the beach. Got 2 cars washed, but the cchs junior class did not do a good job, sorry guys, its cool though I donated my 10 bucks, haha actually not me, my daddy. Stayed home, chilled, then Ryan's house, new ideas, pictures for 7 dollaaaas?? wow, thanks Rite Aid, you'll be seeing me and my usb soon.

"I see you in a lonely place, how could you be so blue?, you're still regretting the love you left, left behind"

At this moment, at this time, my conscious state of mind is telling me to do something against my subconscious state of mind, for it is those exact people, places, things and sources of insanity that feed my sanity. Understand? Neither do I.

Take chances make mistakes

I don't like failing, cause it leads me to success. SUCK IT UP! May you never give up on an opportunity because you were frightened by its outcome, this is how you lose yourself, this is how you lose your touch, this is how you lose your sense of being. Take the chances before they pass, before they pass you by.

if you never put forth the simple effort to begin with
you need to look at the other side; the grass isn't always greener there but what you may find is that there is still grass on the other side that you can fall on even if its not as comforting as your own

God, save the humans

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Spare some C H A N G E

7AM tennis was a Bust! HAHAHAHA man.
--->Lorena:"YOU better answer!"/ Eldrin:"LOL I will!"
"One day we'll start a REVOLUTION".. why not now?

"God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference"

1) The world does not revolve around you nor I, it merely orbits around the single force that created it and happens to take these lifeforms striving to live along for one hell of a ride.
2) Find a new way to improve yourself, then build up enough motivation and courage to put yourself aside and help another person improve themselves, because the only way to help yourself is to help others help themselves.
3) I believe the theory that people are born selfish and they ought to learn to be selfless.
4) Make change happen, don't just happen to change.
"Ups and the downs, the sames and the changes.
All the money in the world don't make it painless"

5) There are too many desires to change everyone, its a shame that you can't, for the theory of economics states that scarcity is everywhere and will always exist due to unlimited wants followed by limited resources.
6) If you start blaming yourself for all the people you've lost, there's no turning back, so its a suggestion you stay on course, for drifting away from your natural state of mind can bring danger to your goals.
7) Its okay to let people into your life and try to understand you, being that there's no guarantee that they ever will anyways.
8) Learn to accept similarities but not turn away differences, yet deny the similarities that lead you to turn away from the differences that make you so similar to those who are different.
9) Don't let anyone tell you that you can reach for the stars,do anything you want, be anything you want to be and achieve all your hopes and dreams, for if this were true, I would've been able to fly,swim 3 miles below sea level and climb to the apex of mt. Everest by now.
10) We've become a nation who's self-esteem is on the rise, its the exact reason why depression is the leading apprentice of Death himself; the more you think about yourself, the more you find faults, the more faults you find, the less you want to be yourself. Think of others more often and you'll find you live a more satisfying life.

"I wonder how Gods gon’ paint today’s canvasses"

Post Scriptum:


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Facis me laeta

Congrats Boston =)
and my statement still stands that I don't have a fav. team
6AM Tennis was a Bust! Gahh, I just wanna play hahaha.

Yesterday was pretty fun, chilled with them cool kids at Magoos, watched the game, and Emmanuel fell out of Mary's car and slammed the door into some black car. LOL. I've decided that I'm gonna do whatever it takes to keep 'this' going (its a memo to myself). I think that he finally said 'IT' (yet another memo to myself). One day everything will work out fine, the world will be at peace, starvation will end, poverty and strife will seize to exist, and everyone will go to that special place in the sky. And I want a 'Summer 2008' wish list, I think i'll start it now.
Get my license already
Hangout with all the goofheads
Get a summer job
Chill with ALL of my friends at least once
Jump into the ocean
Tell a boy I'm interested
Do a certain thing with my sis/crystal.
Visit another state or country (LV doesn't count)
Sleep at the tennis courts
Buy 10 new outfits in one day
Party in Richgrove
Go camping
Have a FUN bonfire
Stay on the phone all night
Go fishing
Fall asleep under the stars
Say I love you to a new person
Play Texas Hold 'em w/ A & C
Go to 5 parties in one day
Purchase my own Camera
Not laugh when I get tickled
Draw something new
Slow down time
Talk to someone idk at UCI

Edgar Jr. we're gonna plan something great.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summertime in the KCC

"you're not down" <-- stupid phrase that's got my tongue
5am tennis was a bust, Thanks a lot TOOTSIE! (jk)
I went running instead and served for a bit, helloooo summer school students, I found you CJAY!, and Jayren lives in LA now, sayyy whaaat? Nobody answers their phone anymore, pshhhh, I just wanted to say: "good morning, good morning!", but nooo. It's okay though, they'll need me eventually. lol
I want that pikachu hat that PJ was wearing in his pictures from Japan, oh! and that Sebastian the crab hat that litto boy wore at the Morningside Talent Show (+the little mermaid's face, hahahahaha!). oh gosh, it was sad.

Red meat and french fries are no longer welcome, unless my dad gets mad at me again and i HAVE to, oh well, I won't starve. I need to clean my room cause I found two scary spiders, like FREAAAK!, I woke up and it was in front of my face, how disgusting. I thought my room was my safe haven too.
Those Threadless shirts need to come in already, I need to send in my financial aid appeal cause I'm negligent, and I really really really want a summer job !!
Hey boy who has a twin cousin from a different race and has a hammer,
Im really diggin' your myspace profile song right now, its been on repeat hahah Thanks for reminding me about that song.

I'M IN A 90'S FIX still
En Vogue, Janet Jackson, Montell Jordan, TLC, even Hanson
and "SUMMERTIME IN THE LBC" is stuck in my head like on the real fo' real.
I hope today is productive, 'cause I'm tired of wasting summer days just sitting in front of the computer because everyone says its too hot to do anything else, jeez, there's nothing to do at my house, come save me, I'll clean your room for you, or buy you gas, maybe even give you a back massage.

Post Scriptum:

Lets get SNO FUN

Monday, June 16, 2008

Taste of Melancholy

(Rest in peace Grandpa Pas)
Strangely enough I've found a sort of peacefulness and beauty in funerals; how it brings out a roller coaster of emotions and draws together people from all over who may or may not have met each other before just to immerse themselves in the thousands of memories they've shared or wished they've shared with the deceased.
I met some real cool new relatives though... especially those from New York; I have a new favorite uncle, his name is Les, who's in his late forties, has a six pack, and dresses like a 20 year old with his vest and white Asics. Then there's that one Uncle (Alan) who I recently found out designs top of the line bags, purses, belts, etc. for the famous. Haha, it was so random. oh and RACHEL!, she's so cooool, going to a music conservatory in New York and living that chill city life, I wish we stayed there longer.

All in all, last week was interesting
Gradnite (061108) = I'm LeeAnn's lucky charm
(061308) = leaving at 6am and getting lost with my parents

Sactown (061408) = My joy in the morbidness of life
Happy Father's Day (061508) = Lakers vs. Celtics
Post Scriptum:
Thank you Eldrin Abuyen, like I said, "I'll love you FOREVER"hahaha