Saturday, August 9, 2008

CloseMyEyes & DreamForMiles

Eight, Eight, Oh Eight
Happy Birthday Brian Alacar;
that party/get together was extremely fun...
thanks sooo much,
and I'll miss you when you leave to the Navy.

Oh, and thanks for letting me borrow your boxers,hahahahaha, i've never felt so 'Free'
Oh, and another thanks to Candace for that bathing suit top

So here's another update on my checklist:
[x]Get my license already
[x]Hangout with all the goofheads
[ ]Get a summer job
[ ]Chill with ALL of my friends at least once
[ ]Jump into the ocean
[x]Tell a boy I'm interested
[ ]Do a certain thing with my sis/crystal.
[ ]Visit another state or country (LV doesn't count)
[ ]Sleep at the tennis courts
[x]Buy 10 new outfits in one day
[x]Party in Richgrove
[ ]Go camping
[ ]Have a FUN bonfire
[x]Stay on the phone all night
[ ]Go fishing
[x]Fall asleep under the stars
[x]Say I love you to a new person
[ ]Play Texas Hold 'em w/ A & C
[x]Go to 5 parties in one day
[x]Purchase my own Camera
[x]Not laugh when I get tickled
[x]Draw something new
[x]Talk to someone idk at UCI
[ ]Slow down time

Ok, so maybe I haven't quite done all the things on that list that I hoped for, but this is one extremely memorable summer, I think its the first summer that I know of that so many people are moving away, as in reallyyyy moving away, out of Delano. Its kind of weird, I mean the one year when all of my friends are leaving is the one year I'm supposed to be super excited to meet new friends; I'm still dealing with this situation. But I know I'll get used to it one day. But seriously, why are so many people, including those who graduated before the c/o 2008 choosing to leave now?...Maybe we're trendsetters. HAH, maybe not

But anyways, this is the first year where i've had to go to sooo many parties, but not the strictly lets have fun parties, its more of a, lets have fun, cause the next time you'll see me might be in a year or two or maybe a couple of months, how sad riight?.. well I get sad sometimes just thinking about it. Like Yesterday, at Brian's Birthday party, btw, he's leaving on the 21st.. it was only the beginning of the many going away parties that i'll try to attend; Today was Beau's but being that I went out last night and my parents are strict on me going out, I couldn't go to his, so sorry about that.. Then next friday is Candace's and the Saturday in the following week will be Justin Delarmente's.. and after that, there are so many others...Well, I guess I'll be bringing my drawing board around with mee everywhere, It'll be fun though.

Post Scriptum:
I have a lot on my mind right now.

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