Friday, August 1, 2008

See you in September!

"We fly high, No lie you know this...PRADO!!"
wow, I can't even begin to explain how amazing SPOP 6 was, all the people I met and all of the events we went through. OMG it blows my mind. hahaha
That was like the sickessstttt/doppessst/illlessttt experience ever!

so this is how it went down:
When we got there it was like the normal Welcome to UCI, blah blah blah, sign up for classes,met Rhea, and found out she knows mae/earvin and i met her brother Ryan before, but when we all went to go eat lunch, it was like BAM! "Hi, whaatss up guys?, I'm Theresa.. like Mother Theresa!" and it all went UPhill from there. Theresa was dummy crazy, she's so cute and awesome and funny and random. wow i love her, and then came John Kim, "a.k.a. Theresa's BOYFRIEND!" hahaha. What a sweet and funny guy and you totally can't help but smile when he smiles, lol he has like that charm about him. Oh and after I met those two staffers I met some really awesome people from my house that were sitting close by and we moved to go meet some new people due to Ilyssa's eagerness to get out and meet people. I then met JESUS (geee zus) a.k.a Jmoneyyyyy..haha he's soo freaking hilarious, and dorky, like omg, i couldn't stop laughing when he was around. P.S. I got asked this question from the fishbowl game: "which staffer would you hook up with?".. LMAO I said random, but he has this like boyish charm, its soo cute. hahaha then there's Nick Cheung, he's sooo funny and like makes the most random facial expressions, ahhh I Loved it, hahaha, and Charlottee aww, she popped out of nowhere all the time, I hope she does that when I'm at UCI, and 103! represent! ahha riight Diana?.. your smile always lit up the room, like seriously, and Stephanie!.. wow such an awesome dancer, forreal. Too bad you graduated already, I'm sure that i'll see you someday though!
then we all went to a group gathering and afterwards we all got to check into our halls, played some mad fun games and had the times of our lives, we got to know each other/introductions etc. and goshh it was like non stop laughing, I think they added like 20 more years to my life with all that laughter.
After the chit chat and kind of unpacking, we got to go have dinner, lines weren't as bad, and I sat with Mory,John Kim, Rhea, etc. that was really fun, seriously John is soo funny, we all go to know each other, then we headed back to PRADO, cause "oh oh you wish you were in prado" and partied in our PRADODISE. hahaha
god, i love those people, please keep us safe and together (yes that was a side note). Oh and we played some games, Wooosh with a little flashmob or w/e, suspension bridge, I was drowned, prison riot, etc.
Afterwards we all went on a group outting to CHA and on our way there JMoneyyy told us the 'BALLERINA" story about the girl who hung herself in our hall a while back. I got a Mango Cooler w/e Pearls at Cha and some random guys kept on looking at me like they knew me, came up to me and was like wsssupp? hahahaha
chit chatted with a couple of people sat with Mory and Katherine, which was Uber uber fun, wow, i can't believe i have so much to say, I didn't even want to go to UCI in teh beginning, but now, I don't think there's a better school out there for me.
Anyways when we got back, played or did or w/e CROSS the LINE it was interesting, then they told us we had another option of going out, so most of us did, I think, and we went to the top of a parking structure and played some major cool games, Prado was the best of course, and we started dancing but there wasn't enough NOISE POLLUTION so we took it to the floor underneath so that two parking lots stacked on each other and there was a huge echo, which was awesome, we danced and danced and danced and then we played some games, Nick was in front of me, Mory in back of me and Jesus/John in the front leading all of us everywhere, my asthma kicked in, but i held on, like a trooper ahhaha.
We headed back around 1 something, and they told us to shower and if we wanted to stay awake we could do a mixer with BRISA! so I took my 5 minute shower, threw on clothes while walking back to my room, hope nobody saw me, hahaha.. then we headed to the living room w/e its called and they told us to get PILLOW CASES?? like wtheck, were we gonna get kidnapped?, at this point i was freaking out, hhahah but so stoked i didn't even care. We all headed to brisa, and we met people we haven't met before, blah blahh, then they gave us numbers, I was in group 2! out of the 5 established, and they gave each group a name, we were the starfish, then they turned off the lights and told us to put the pillowcases over our heads, WOW how scared was I that this was some type of initiation, but again, i was too stoked to care so i went through, hahahha...then they said with the name of the animal you were given, make the sound that animal makes and find your group, WTH? a STARFISH??hahahha we totally didn't find our group, but it didn't matter, we were crawling on all fours on the ground trying to find each other, then they turned on the lights gave us rooms and we had to come up with skits, I thought outs were funny, and I liked them, yay group BIG BOOTY!, haha, did my splits, etc.
we headed back to our Party in PRADODISE around 4 am and we played the fishbowl game, I got another question that was "Who would you rate a 10 in this room?".. I chose Alex, he's so awesome.
Then we turned off the lights, told ghost stories and it was around 4:45 am when I noticed that there were people in our window, i said "whos in the window?" nobody listened those people banged on the windows and scared everyone but me, of course cause i saw them, and all the screams woke up everyone in Prado, ahha oh well, then everyone gathered all their sleeping gear, we layed down, it was around 5:30 now and kyle was to the right of me, Theresa next to him and Jmoney on top of where my head was at, it formed a spiral (idk how else to explain it, ask me about it hahaha).. and i asked what was 'up there' jesus said thats where they keep all the dead bodies, i was like shut up cause you knowww, the ballerina story, etc. and then we all tried to go to sleep for the one point five hours and i woke up around 8:24, i think i was one of the last ones to wake up along with Theresa, Charlotte, and Jesus, the Staffers, yeah i was the only spopper left, hahaha, its cool though, I didn't trip. Nadya locked me out of the room though, haha, so i had to wait, thanks to UNO she kicked it with me til my roomie got back. Then we all headed to our plenary, and did our group cheer.
Of course PRADO REPRESENTED well, i think the others were jealous we got so close together and were always so enthusiastic, we rocked, f'shoo!.. haha well after all that, we had lunch, workshops, etc. then the most Awesome TALENT SHOW EVAAAA, go watch my youtube video, for that, haha..
Afterwards we headed back to our halls, to say goodbye and check out, but before all that we went up stairs and 'touched one another' yeahh, i'll admit it, I got teary eyed, I'm so glad i went through that, it was so exhilarating and uplifting and wow id' go through that experience again and again if i could, I wish I could, but maybe in the FALL, we'll see. we said goodbye, and the Party in Pradodise was over.

I've got to admit it though, UCI is an amazing school, with the most hilarious and loveable people ever, I am soo excited to go there in September, I hope we all keep in touch, cause that was one experience that seriously went straight to the top of my list of best experiences ever!

yeah this was kind of long, wordy, and not even all the things that happened are in here
but I got my point across that SPOP6 was helllaaa DOPE!
thanks for EVERYTHING! <3333

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