Midterms suck, the doctors say I'm Anemic, I extremely dislike reading 60 pages in a row for Bio, my Humanities Core section leader is lame and I'm running out of money.
On the plus side
Irvine's awesome, the quarter system moves really fast, I haven't realized how long I've been here so I haven't completely realized how homesick I am, we have the most legit house on the block, Friendship Games was fun but staying up all night wasn't and I get to go home for the weekend.
Post Scriptum:
I'll try to keep this updated,
keyword: "TRY"
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Chapter 4: I think you oughta know
"You make me feel that everything is going right, that I can go to sleep tonight"
Even though my heart still misses everyone who left Delano; Having this distance between friends only makes me realize how special each visit with them is going to be, and how I have to cherish those moments that we spend together.
To be continued... maybe
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Chapter 3: So I tell myself
"I just need some time alone before I'm ready to come back home"
I don't think I will ever finish that blog I made for Brian, and even making this one is hard because today Crystal, Rolly, Mary and Eldrin left Delano. w/e I said I wouldn't cry or be sad for you guys cause I wanted you guys to experience something new and live life, but I never expected it to be so hard to say 'SEE YOU LATER'. Because even though its not a goodbye, its still a long ways until I actually get to see you guys, like I can't just come over and say what're we doing tonight? or call Crystal and say things like "are you going to our "Other house"", "the boys are over at my house, are they going to yours later?", " want me to buy you sno fun before i come over?" and Ell, you better come play tennis with me at 5am when I call you, and you better not throw away those post it notes, cause sticking those on your car always made me laugh. Thank you for all your advice Rolly, I always tried to follow what you say and not try so hard to fit in, and Mary hanging out with you was always so funny, summer 06, i'll never forget that.
..just those small little memories keep me going cause I know i'll see you guys, you're not dead obviously, its just that you're so far away and I wish that I could've spent a little more time with you, I was just so bummed out I didn't want anybody to see me really cause i hate giving other people that same feeling of being sad. Idk, but seriously thank you for everything guys, for giving me the best summer ever
yes, 2008 was the best year I've lived so far and no I'm not kidding
Good luck with everything, I love you guys and Take care
"and everytime I close my eyes, I thank the lord that I've got you and you've got me too"
Post Scriptum:
this blog isn't complete either, for the same reason as the last one
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Chapter 2: I smile when I'm sad
Aww, Brian . I wish you luck and hope you have a safe flight/stay in Illinois. I'm sure that Graduation day will come sooner than we all think.

For now, I'm gonna have to leave this blog like this, I can't handle thinking about the fact everyone's leaving already, and Beau you're leaving like tomorrow, wow and Candace too.
..ok so all of you have, you've made me laugh, you've made me smile, you've gotten me through some really rough times but most importantly you've made me cry, because crying is the only way I can show you guys how much you really mean to me; thank you for sticking by my side and for understanding me even when you never understood what was going on.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Chapter 1: Departure
August is officially the month that a lot of close people are gonna begin to leave this small town of Delano. A small town filled with amazing people that feed off of the raw energy that comes from this place we all have come to realize brought us all together.
- August 19, 2008: Claudia leaves back to the United Kingdom
- August 21, 2008: Brian leaves to the Navy
- August 22, 2008: Candice leaves to Brigham Young University
- Beau leaves to the University of Arizona
- August 24, 2008: Rolly,Crystal and Mary leave to Las Vegas
- August 25, 2008: Justin leaves to the Air Force
Anyways enough of the pouting around about August, I'm just extremely grateful I met you guys and I truly do not know who I would be or where I would end up if you guys weren't there to support me and keep me going. =)
Tuesday: saw 3 shooting stars; and made 2 wishes; talked to LeeAnn on the phone
Wednesday: Told Brian and Justin what my two wishes were and talked to them on the phone
Friday: Watched Mirrors with Bree,her fam and my triplet; then went to Candices and scared Steven, went outside and drank pixie stix courtesy of Brian then went to go get my beautiful board
Saturday: Went to Brian's house and played the 'Touch Game'.. let out some long awaited feelings and tears were out and about; played the opposite of the 'Touch Game' with a funny interpretation, all I can say is 'whats yo' flava?'. Then the infamous fishbowl game, thats always fun, STUPID Beau and that PINK COWBOY HAT!.. hahah Jeff picked up me and Justin, then stopped by Bev's, kinda didn't go well sorry bout that so we left; looked at Jeff's engine and the magical screwdriver fixed the car that wouldn't start; then back to Brian's for more chit chat/hanging out
Sunday: 'Good Morning!'s...Went to Ryan's, Rachma and Stephanie Gines, sayyy whaa??..Claudia Hyphy's myspace, hahaha.. watched 'Sydney White' AKA Brittany Black..Awww Dopey's the best..went to Taco bell and had some more bonding moments there, found out Justin and I could read each others minds, i mean it should've been obvious.. Claudia can't count hahahha when she's telling us how many years in high school they have in the UK, LEGENDS OF THE HIDDEN TEMPLE?..i got so confused, hahah Thanks for coloring in my board guys! you're awesome, haha and thanks justin for helping out a lot with that board, its coming along soo nicely.
"I'm trying to pull your shorts down so I can put my knee there"- Justin to Jeff
HAHHAHAH good job
Lets take it from the beginning of the week
Monday: went to Ryan's house and watched the others; stopped by starbucks; went back to Ryan's and finished the movieTuesday: saw 3 shooting stars; and made 2 wishes; talked to LeeAnn on the phone
Wednesday: Told Brian and Justin what my two wishes were and talked to them on the phone
Friday: Watched Mirrors with Bree,her fam and my triplet; then went to Candices and scared Steven, went outside and drank pixie stix courtesy of Brian then went to go get my beautiful board
Saturday: Went to Brian's house and played the 'Touch Game'.. let out some long awaited feelings and tears were out and about; played the opposite of the 'Touch Game' with a funny interpretation, all I can say is 'whats yo' flava?'. Then the infamous fishbowl game, thats always fun, STUPID Beau and that PINK COWBOY HAT!.. hahah Jeff picked up me and Justin, then stopped by Bev's, kinda didn't go well sorry bout that so we left; looked at Jeff's engine and the magical screwdriver fixed the car that wouldn't start; then back to Brian's for more chit chat/hanging out
Sunday: 'Good Morning!'s...Went to Ryan's, Rachma and Stephanie Gines, sayyy whaa??..Claudia Hyphy's myspace, hahaha.. watched 'Sydney White' AKA Brittany Black..Awww Dopey's the best..went to Taco bell and had some more bonding moments there, found out Justin and I could read each others minds, i mean it should've been obvious.. Claudia can't count hahahha when she's telling us how many years in high school they have in the UK, LEGENDS OF THE HIDDEN TEMPLE?..i got so confused, hahah Thanks for coloring in my board guys! you're awesome, haha and thanks justin for helping out a lot with that board, its coming along soo nicely.
Shout out to Breehie for the rides
Post Scriptum:This past week was so much fun, major kudos to everyone who has made it that fun..it all started after I told Brittany "We haven't hung out all summer, lets start"..aww Brian don't worry about studying too much, I'm sure you'll do fine, I believe in you, i mean going to the Navy was practically set for you right? I think you have some sort of knowledge about it by now,..Justin I hope you find a job; thanks Ryan for being a 'Winner!' hahahha...oh and I'm glad we have been hanging out, cause its been a BLAST!. most definitely!<333
"I'm trying to pull your shorts down so I can put my knee there"- Justin to Jeff
HAHHAHAH good job
Saturday, August 9, 2008
CloseMyEyes & DreamForMiles
Eight, Eight, Oh Eight
Happy Birthday Brian Alacar;
that party/get together was extremely fun...thanks sooo much,
and I'll miss you when you leave to the Navy.
Oh, and thanks for letting me borrow your boxers,hahahahaha, i've never felt so 'Free'
Oh, and another thanks to Candace for that bathing suit top
So here's another update on my checklist:
[x]Get my license already
[x]Hangout with all the goofheads
[ ]Get a summer job
[ ]Chill with ALL of my friends at least once
[ ]Jump into the ocean
[x]Tell a boy I'm interested
[ ]Do a certain thing with my sis/crystal.
[ ]Visit another state or country (LV doesn't count)
[ ]Sleep at the tennis courts
[x]Buy 10 new outfits in one day
[x]Party in Richgrove
[ ]Go camping
[ ]Have a FUN bonfire
[x]Stay on the phone all night
[ ]Go fishing
[x]Fall asleep under the stars
[x]Say I love you to a new person
[ ]Play Texas Hold 'em w/ A & C
[x]Go to 5 parties in one day
[x]Purchase my own Camera
[x]Not laugh when I get tickled
[x]Draw something new
[x]Talk to someone idk at UCI
[ ]Slow down time
Ok, so maybe I haven't quite done all the things on that list that I hoped for, but this is one extremely memorable summer, I think its the first summer that I know of that so many people are moving away, as in reallyyyy moving away, out of Delano. Its kind of weird, I mean the one year when all of my friends are leaving is the one year I'm supposed to be super excited to meet new friends; I'm still dealing with this situation. But I know I'll get used to it one day. But seriously, why are so many people, including those who graduated before the c/o 2008 choosing to leave now?...Maybe we're trendsetters. HAH, maybe not
But anyways, this is the first year where i've had to go to sooo many parties, but not the strictly lets have fun parties, its more of a, lets have fun, cause the next time you'll see me might be in a year or two or maybe a couple of months, how sad riight?.. well I get sad sometimes just thinking about it. Like Yesterday, at Brian's Birthday party, btw, he's leaving on the 21st.. it was only the beginning of the many going away parties that i'll try to attend; Today was Beau's but being that I went out last night and my parents are strict on me going out, I couldn't go to his, so sorry about that.. Then next friday is Candace's and the Saturday in the following week will be Justin Delarmente's.. and after that, there are so many others...Well, I guess I'll be bringing my drawing board around with mee everywhere, It'll be fun though.
Post Scriptum:
I have a lot on my mind right now.
Happy Birthday Brian Alacar;
that party/get together was extremely fun...thanks sooo much,
and I'll miss you when you leave to the Navy.
Oh, and thanks for letting me borrow your boxers,hahahahaha, i've never felt so 'Free'
Oh, and another thanks to Candace for that bathing suit top
So here's another update on my checklist:
[x]Get my license already
[x]Hangout with all the goofheads
[ ]Get a summer job
[ ]Chill with ALL of my friends at least once
[ ]Jump into the ocean
[x]Tell a boy I'm interested
[ ]Do a certain thing with my sis/crystal.
[ ]Visit another state or country (LV doesn't count)
[ ]Sleep at the tennis courts
[x]Buy 10 new outfits in one day
[x]Party in Richgrove
[ ]Go camping
[ ]Have a FUN bonfire
[x]Stay on the phone all night
[ ]Go fishing
[x]Fall asleep under the stars
[x]Say I love you to a new person
[ ]Play Texas Hold 'em w/ A & C
[x]Go to 5 parties in one day
[x]Purchase my own Camera
[x]Not laugh when I get tickled
[x]Draw something new
[x]Talk to someone idk at UCI
[ ]Slow down time
Ok, so maybe I haven't quite done all the things on that list that I hoped for, but this is one extremely memorable summer, I think its the first summer that I know of that so many people are moving away, as in reallyyyy moving away, out of Delano. Its kind of weird, I mean the one year when all of my friends are leaving is the one year I'm supposed to be super excited to meet new friends; I'm still dealing with this situation. But I know I'll get used to it one day. But seriously, why are so many people, including those who graduated before the c/o 2008 choosing to leave now?...Maybe we're trendsetters. HAH, maybe not
But anyways, this is the first year where i've had to go to sooo many parties, but not the strictly lets have fun parties, its more of a, lets have fun, cause the next time you'll see me might be in a year or two or maybe a couple of months, how sad riight?.. well I get sad sometimes just thinking about it. Like Yesterday, at Brian's Birthday party, btw, he's leaving on the 21st.. it was only the beginning of the many going away parties that i'll try to attend; Today was Beau's but being that I went out last night and my parents are strict on me going out, I couldn't go to his, so sorry about that.. Then next friday is Candace's and the Saturday in the following week will be Justin Delarmente's.. and after that, there are so many others...Well, I guess I'll be bringing my drawing board around with mee everywhere, It'll be fun though.
Post Scriptum:
I have a lot on my mind right now.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
See you in September!
"We fly high, No lie you know this...PRADO!!"
wow, I can't even begin to explain how amazing SPOP 6 was, all the people I met and all of the events we went through. OMG it blows my mind. hahaha
That was like the sickessstttt/doppessst/illlessttt experience ever!
so this is how it went down:
When we got there it was like the normal Welcome to UCI, blah blah blah, sign up for classes,met Rhea, and found out she knows mae/earvin and i met her brother Ryan before, but when we all went to go eat lunch, it was like BAM! "Hi, whaatss up guys?, I'm Theresa.. like Mother Theresa!" and it all went UPhill from there. Theresa was dummy crazy, she's so cute and awesome and funny and random. wow i love her, and then came John Kim, "a.k.a. Theresa's BOYFRIEND!" hahaha. What a sweet and funny guy and you totally can't help but smile when he smiles, lol he has like that charm about him. Oh and after I met those two staffers I met some really awesome people from my house that were sitting close by and we moved to go meet some new people due to Ilyssa's eagerness to get out and meet people. I then met JESUS (geee zus) a.k.a Jmoneyyyyy..haha he's soo freaking hilarious, and dorky, like omg, i couldn't stop laughing when he was around. P.S. I got asked this question from the fishbowl game: "which staffer would you hook up with?".. LMAO I said Jesus..so random, but he has this like boyish charm, its soo cute. hahaha then there's Nick Cheung, he's sooo funny and like makes the most random facial expressions, ahhh I Loved it, hahaha, and Charlottee aww, she popped out of nowhere all the time, I hope she does that when I'm at UCI, and 103! represent! ahha riight Diana?.. your smile always lit up the room, like seriously, and Stephanie!.. wow such an awesome dancer, forreal. Too bad you graduated already, I'm sure that i'll see you someday though!
then we all went to a group gathering and afterwards we all got to check into our halls, played some mad fun games and had the times of our lives, we got to know each other/introductions etc. and goshh it was like non stop laughing, I think they added like 20 more years to my life with all that laughter.
After the chit chat and kind of unpacking, we got to go have dinner, lines weren't as bad, and I sat with Mory,John Kim, Rhea, etc. that was really fun, seriously John is soo funny, we all go to know each other, then we headed back to PRADO, cause "oh oh you wish you were in prado" and partied in our PRADODISE. hahaha
god, i love those people, please keep us safe and together (yes that was a side note). Oh and we played some games, Wooosh with a little flashmob or w/e, suspension bridge, I was drowned, prison riot, etc.
Afterwards we all went on a group outting to CHA and on our way there JMoneyyy told us the 'BALLERINA" story about the girl who hung herself in our hall a while back. I got a Mango Cooler w/e Pearls at Cha and some random guys kept on looking at me like they knew me, came up to me and was like wsssupp? hahahaha
chit chatted with a couple of people sat with Mory and Katherine, which was Uber uber fun, wow, i can't believe i have so much to say, I didn't even want to go to UCI in teh beginning, but now, I don't think there's a better school out there for me.
Anyways when we got back, played or did or w/e CROSS the LINE it was interesting, then they told us we had another option of going out, so most of us did, I think, and we went to the top of a parking structure and played some major cool games, Prado was the best of course, and we started dancing but there wasn't enough NOISE POLLUTION so we took it to the floor underneath so that two parking lots stacked on each other and there was a huge echo, which was awesome, we danced and danced and danced and then we played some games, Nick was in front of me, Mory in back of me and Jesus/John in the front leading all of us everywhere, my asthma kicked in, but i held on, like a trooper ahhaha.
We headed back around 1 something, and they told us to shower and if we wanted to stay awake we could do a mixer with BRISA! so I took my 5 minute shower, threw on clothes while walking back to my room, hope nobody saw me, hahaha.. then we headed to the living room w/e its called and they told us to get PILLOW CASES?? like wtheck, were we gonna get kidnapped?, at this point i was freaking out, hhahah but so stoked i didn't even care. We all headed to brisa, and we met people we haven't met before, blah blahh, then they gave us numbers, I was in group 2! out of the 5 established, and they gave each group a name, we were the starfish, then they turned off the lights and told us to put the pillowcases over our heads, WOW how scared was I that this was some type of initiation, but again, i was too stoked to care so i went through, hahahha...then they said with the name of the animal you were given, make the sound that animal makes and find your group, WTH? a STARFISH??hahahha we totally didn't find our group, but it didn't matter, we were crawling on all fours on the ground trying to find each other, then they turned on the lights gave us rooms and we had to come up with skits, I thought outs were funny, and I liked them, yay group BIG BOOTY!, haha, did my splits, etc.
we headed back to our Party in PRADODISE around 4 am and we played the fishbowl game, I got another question that was "Who would you rate a 10 in this room?".. I chose Alex, he's so awesome.
Then we turned off the lights, told ghost stories and it was around 4:45 am when I noticed that there were people in our window, i said "whos in the window?" nobody listened those people banged on the windows and scared everyone but me, of course cause i saw them, and all the screams woke up everyone in Prado, ahha oh well, then everyone gathered all their sleeping gear, we layed down, it was around 5:30 now and kyle was to the right of me, Theresa next to him and Jmoney on top of where my head was at, it formed a spiral (idk how else to explain it, ask me about it hahaha).. and i asked what was 'up there' jesus said thats where they keep all the dead bodies, i was like shut up cause you knowww, the ballerina story, etc. and then we all tried to go to sleep for the one point five hours and i woke up around 8:24, i think i was one of the last ones to wake up along with Theresa, Charlotte, and Jesus, the Staffers, yeah i was the only spopper left, hahaha, its cool though, I didn't trip. Nadya locked me out of the room though, haha, so i had to wait, thanks to UNO she kicked it with me til my roomie got back. Then we all headed to our plenary, and did our group cheer.
Of course PRADO REPRESENTED well, i think the others were jealous we got so close together and were always so enthusiastic, we rocked, f'shoo!.. haha well after all that, we had lunch, workshops, etc. then the most Awesome TALENT SHOW EVAAAA, go watch my youtube video, for that, haha..
Afterwards we headed back to our halls, to say goodbye and check out, but before all that we went up stairs and 'touched one another' yeahh, i'll admit it, I got teary eyed, I'm so glad i went through that, it was so exhilarating and uplifting and wow id' go through that experience again and again if i could, I wish I could, but maybe in the FALL, we'll see. we said goodbye, and the Party in Pradodise was over.
I've got to admit it though, UCI is an amazing school, with the most hilarious and loveable people ever, I am soo excited to go there in September, I hope we all keep in touch, cause that was one experience that seriously went straight to the top of my list of best experiences ever!
yeah this was kind of long, wordy, and not even all the things that happened are in here
but I got my point across that SPOP6 was helllaaa DOPE!
thanks for EVERYTHING! <3333
wow, I can't even begin to explain how amazing SPOP 6 was, all the people I met and all of the events we went through. OMG it blows my mind. hahaha
That was like the sickessstttt/doppessst/illlessttt experience ever!
so this is how it went down:
When we got there it was like the normal Welcome to UCI, blah blah blah, sign up for classes,met Rhea, and found out she knows mae/earvin and i met her brother Ryan before, but when we all went to go eat lunch, it was like BAM! "Hi, whaatss up guys?, I'm Theresa.. like Mother Theresa!" and it all went UPhill from there. Theresa was dummy crazy, she's so cute and awesome and funny and random. wow i love her, and then came John Kim, "a.k.a. Theresa's BOYFRIEND!" hahaha. What a sweet and funny guy and you totally can't help but smile when he smiles, lol he has like that charm about him. Oh and after I met those two staffers I met some really awesome people from my house that were sitting close by and we moved to go meet some new people due to Ilyssa's eagerness to get out and meet people. I then met JESUS (geee zus) a.k.a Jmoneyyyyy..haha he's soo freaking hilarious, and dorky, like omg, i couldn't stop laughing when he was around. P.S. I got asked this question from the fishbowl game: "which staffer would you hook up with?".. LMAO I said Jesus..so random, but he has this like boyish charm, its soo cute. hahaha then there's Nick Cheung, he's sooo funny and like makes the most random facial expressions, ahhh I Loved it, hahaha, and Charlottee aww, she popped out of nowhere all the time, I hope she does that when I'm at UCI, and 103! represent! ahha riight Diana?.. your smile always lit up the room, like seriously, and Stephanie!.. wow such an awesome dancer, forreal. Too bad you graduated already, I'm sure that i'll see you someday though!
then we all went to a group gathering and afterwards we all got to check into our halls, played some mad fun games and had the times of our lives, we got to know each other/introductions etc. and goshh it was like non stop laughing, I think they added like 20 more years to my life with all that laughter.
After the chit chat and kind of unpacking, we got to go have dinner, lines weren't as bad, and I sat with Mory,John Kim, Rhea, etc. that was really fun, seriously John is soo funny, we all go to know each other, then we headed back to PRADO, cause "oh oh you wish you were in prado" and partied in our PRADODISE. hahaha
god, i love those people, please keep us safe and together (yes that was a side note). Oh and we played some games, Wooosh with a little flashmob or w/e, suspension bridge, I was drowned, prison riot, etc.
Afterwards we all went on a group outting to CHA and on our way there JMoneyyy told us the 'BALLERINA" story about the girl who hung herself in our hall a while back. I got a Mango Cooler w/e Pearls at Cha and some random guys kept on looking at me like they knew me, came up to me and was like wsssupp? hahahaha
chit chatted with a couple of people sat with Mory and Katherine, which was Uber uber fun, wow, i can't believe i have so much to say, I didn't even want to go to UCI in teh beginning, but now, I don't think there's a better school out there for me.
Anyways when we got back, played or did or w/e CROSS the LINE it was interesting, then they told us we had another option of going out, so most of us did, I think, and we went to the top of a parking structure and played some major cool games, Prado was the best of course, and we started dancing but there wasn't enough NOISE POLLUTION so we took it to the floor underneath so that two parking lots stacked on each other and there was a huge echo, which was awesome, we danced and danced and danced and then we played some games, Nick was in front of me, Mory in back of me and Jesus/John in the front leading all of us everywhere, my asthma kicked in, but i held on, like a trooper ahhaha.
We headed back around 1 something, and they told us to shower and if we wanted to stay awake we could do a mixer with BRISA! so I took my 5 minute shower, threw on clothes while walking back to my room, hope nobody saw me, hahaha.. then we headed to the living room w/e its called and they told us to get PILLOW CASES?? like wtheck, were we gonna get kidnapped?, at this point i was freaking out, hhahah but so stoked i didn't even care. We all headed to brisa, and we met people we haven't met before, blah blahh, then they gave us numbers, I was in group 2! out of the 5 established, and they gave each group a name, we were the starfish, then they turned off the lights and told us to put the pillowcases over our heads, WOW how scared was I that this was some type of initiation, but again, i was too stoked to care so i went through, hahahha...then they said with the name of the animal you were given, make the sound that animal makes and find your group, WTH? a STARFISH??hahahha we totally didn't find our group, but it didn't matter, we were crawling on all fours on the ground trying to find each other, then they turned on the lights gave us rooms and we had to come up with skits, I thought outs were funny, and I liked them, yay group BIG BOOTY!, haha, did my splits, etc.
we headed back to our Party in PRADODISE around 4 am and we played the fishbowl game, I got another question that was "Who would you rate a 10 in this room?".. I chose Alex, he's so awesome.
Then we turned off the lights, told ghost stories and it was around 4:45 am when I noticed that there were people in our window, i said "whos in the window?" nobody listened those people banged on the windows and scared everyone but me, of course cause i saw them, and all the screams woke up everyone in Prado, ahha oh well, then everyone gathered all their sleeping gear, we layed down, it was around 5:30 now and kyle was to the right of me, Theresa next to him and Jmoney on top of where my head was at, it formed a spiral (idk how else to explain it, ask me about it hahaha).. and i asked what was 'up there' jesus said thats where they keep all the dead bodies, i was like shut up cause you knowww, the ballerina story, etc. and then we all tried to go to sleep for the one point five hours and i woke up around 8:24, i think i was one of the last ones to wake up along with Theresa, Charlotte, and Jesus, the Staffers, yeah i was the only spopper left, hahaha, its cool though, I didn't trip. Nadya locked me out of the room though, haha, so i had to wait, thanks to UNO she kicked it with me til my roomie got back. Then we all headed to our plenary, and did our group cheer.
Of course PRADO REPRESENTED well, i think the others were jealous we got so close together and were always so enthusiastic, we rocked, f'shoo!.. haha well after all that, we had lunch, workshops, etc. then the most Awesome TALENT SHOW EVAAAA, go watch my youtube video, for that, haha..
Afterwards we headed back to our halls, to say goodbye and check out, but before all that we went up stairs and 'touched one another' yeahh, i'll admit it, I got teary eyed, I'm so glad i went through that, it was so exhilarating and uplifting and wow id' go through that experience again and again if i could, I wish I could, but maybe in the FALL, we'll see. we said goodbye, and the Party in Pradodise was over.
I've got to admit it though, UCI is an amazing school, with the most hilarious and loveable people ever, I am soo excited to go there in September, I hope we all keep in touch, cause that was one experience that seriously went straight to the top of my list of best experiences ever!
yeah this was kind of long, wordy, and not even all the things that happened are in here
but I got my point across that SPOP6 was helllaaa DOPE!
thanks for EVERYTHING! <3333
Friday, July 25, 2008
am i crazyyyy or SHWAYZE? cause that song's been buzzin' in my head for a while
If you decided to take on the responsibility and brag about all your winnings, why don't you claim your prize and pay the fineeee? ( yes that was to a specific person)
hmmm, what to say, what to do
Recent info./junk
_Go to sno fun then crystal's more than likely see ell then nelyn
_The big weekend's coming for us kids of the Philippine Heritage, how exciting, as usual: just not ready for that stay outside in the three digit weather deal, but its cool, i'll deal with it as usual
_My dad makes me buy cigarettes more often
_My parents make me do more errands
_Got some pants altered
_Princess gave birth about a week ago to 5 adorable pompoms
_I finally finished painting the ASB room; yeahh when i graduated haha
_I've been cooking more often, and experimenting, i've found its easy to have a tester when they're 4 years old and have to listen to what you say, I love ANDREW and AJ cause he's a good sport and tastes it anyways
_I need supplies
Sick and tired of being that one who's willing to do so many things for others, not because I have to, but because I feel obligated to, even though in return I get treated like nothing. Yup, Nothing, No sincere feelings of their deepest gratitude, No remembrance by the one waited on of the task I fulfilled, and definitely No appreciation for the great amount of effort put forth. Well, what do you do but suck it up and hope that someone notices the smallest things you do and pretend that you're not sick and tired, but always welcome to do these favors.
Post Scriptum:
For those of you who read this
I move into my dorm on September 21, 2008
then its Goodbye Delano, and hello 76 degree weather ( i mean IRVINE!)
I'm excited, but scared, as i believe most are, I'll learn to deal with it
am i crazyyyy or SHWAYZE? cause that song's been buzzin' in my head for a while
If you decided to take on the responsibility and brag about all your winnings, why don't you claim your prize and pay the fineeee? ( yes that was to a specific person)
hmmm, what to say, what to do
Recent info./junk
_Go to sno fun then crystal's more than likely see ell then nelyn
_The big weekend's coming for us kids of the Philippine Heritage, how exciting, as usual: just not ready for that stay outside in the three digit weather deal, but its cool, i'll deal with it as usual
_My dad makes me buy cigarettes more often
_My parents make me do more errands
_Got some pants altered
_Princess gave birth about a week ago to 5 adorable pompoms
_I finally finished painting the ASB room; yeahh when i graduated haha
_I've been cooking more often, and experimenting, i've found its easy to have a tester when they're 4 years old and have to listen to what you say, I love ANDREW and AJ cause he's a good sport and tastes it anyways
_I need supplies
Sick and tired of being that one who's willing to do so many things for others, not because I have to, but because I feel obligated to, even though in return I get treated like nothing. Yup, Nothing, No sincere feelings of their deepest gratitude, No remembrance by the one waited on of the task I fulfilled, and definitely No appreciation for the great amount of effort put forth. Well, what do you do but suck it up and hope that someone notices the smallest things you do and pretend that you're not sick and tired, but always welcome to do these favors.
Post Scriptum:
For those of you who read this
I move into my dorm on September 21, 2008
then its Goodbye Delano, and hello 76 degree weather ( i mean IRVINE!)
I'm excited, but scared, as i believe most are, I'll learn to deal with it
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Color me Happy
everything's like falling into place
bank account
new recipes
Andrew said 'I'm gonna miss you Auntie Nena'
my dog's pregnant
thank you, God, on the real fo' real
I'd just like to state this again
Fanny Pak, w/e happens to you, You're my crew
ever since that day i first saw you at Rachma's house
TRIGGER<3 ; why you gotta be sooo ..GOSH!
This will be plain until i come back from Irvine tomorrow
take care =)
maybe its still a little plain
but oh well
IRVINE, gahhh
i got 50% on calc. (intentional)
and 65% on chem.(only had 15 min. to finish)
its cool though, i mean ive still got a lot to learn, why would i skip all the good stuff, riight?
I met this girl named Rochelle from San Mateo, she said when she passed through Bako it was like 112, too bad for her;and it never even got warmer than 78 degrees in irvine, wowww, i love that weather =)
I'm gonna have funn
2 hours stuck in traffic, omggulay
everything's like falling into place
bank account
new recipes
Andrew said 'I'm gonna miss you Auntie Nena'
my dog's pregnant
thank you, God, on the real fo' real
I'd just like to state this again
Fanny Pak, w/e happens to you, You're my crew
ever since that day i first saw you at Rachma's house
TRIGGER<3 ; why you gotta be sooo ..GOSH!
This will be plain until i come back from Irvine tomorrow
take care =)
maybe its still a little plain
but oh well
IRVINE, gahhh
i got 50% on calc. (intentional)
and 65% on chem.(only had 15 min. to finish)
its cool though, i mean ive still got a lot to learn, why would i skip all the good stuff, riight?
I met this girl named Rochelle from San Mateo, she said when she passed through Bako it was like 112, too bad for her;and it never even got warmer than 78 degrees in irvine, wowww, i love that weather =)
I'm gonna have funn
2 hours stuck in traffic, omggulay
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Keep it Constant
I played tennis at 10pm, yessss =)
hahaha, thanks mati, no thanks to ell, lol
Recap of recent events
Andrew's Kung Fu Panda Birthday
Happy Birthday Eldrin Abuyen
Happy Birthday 'DebBEE'
KDK practice
Love Sushi
Hello Justin & Simon
New friends are cool
Andrew's Birthday Party
Happy 4th of July!
Congrats Rochelle
"Zot... Zot"
Lets check off things on my Summer Wish List
Hangout with all the goofheads [check]
Party in Richgrove [check]
Say I love you to a new person [check]
Go to 5 parties in one day [check]
Draw something new [check]
Talk to someone idk at UCI [check]
& I'm still working on the whole "slow down time" one [halfcheck]
I wish getting into college was an easier process, sometimes the whole filling out papers, writing essays, using a chart to figure out your future deal gets a bit old; why can't they just let you go whenever you want to go, and pay for the class you're going to take instead of taking out $10,000 from your financial aid to pay for direct costs to the school? LAME!
I have to finish this later, cause im going to go shower now, since im gross and didn't take a shower last night, ttyl dear blog.
hahaha, thanks mati, no thanks to ell, lol
Recap of recent events
Andrew's Kung Fu Panda Birthday
Happy Birthday Eldrin Abuyen
Happy Birthday 'DebBEE'
KDK practice
Love Sushi
Hello Justin & Simon
New friends are cool
Andrew's Birthday Party
Happy 4th of July!
Congrats Rochelle
"Zot... Zot"
Lets check off things on my Summer Wish List
Hangout with all the goofheads [check]
Party in Richgrove [check]
Say I love you to a new person [check]
Go to 5 parties in one day [check]
Draw something new [check]
Talk to someone idk at UCI [check]
& I'm still working on the whole "slow down time" one [halfcheck]
I wish getting into college was an easier process, sometimes the whole filling out papers, writing essays, using a chart to figure out your future deal gets a bit old; why can't they just let you go whenever you want to go, and pay for the class you're going to take instead of taking out $10,000 from your financial aid to pay for direct costs to the school? LAME!
I have to finish this later, cause im going to go shower now, since im gross and didn't take a shower last night, ttyl dear blog.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Listen close 'cause I don't Boast
"Darlin' open your eyes and let me show you the light"
Thursday: Beverly's kickback/BBQ = smart& final, save mart aka where's the cabbage (lettuce)?? , then Ranch Market to go get bit by the snake even though that rumor is untrue. Wow, Banana chips and sour patch kids, "I only eat the RED ones!!!"..."I want a maple donut", lets go get some said Karen; but instead we get ice cream, whoa, my favorite one too!; OH and btw, I make my Food look 'pretty' =)
Friday: 7 PM tennis was a Bust toooo, FTW??!. lol Kmart with my sister, new tennis balls and nail polish, Score!.. Andrew didn't have any shoes on, hahaha; went to my Ate's house, ate Pssssgetti, garlic bread and salad, salad, salaaaad. Andrew gets frustrated, hahaha he couldn't put the dinosaurs on the side of the couch, Angel says 'what's wrong with you??' and Andrew keeps crying from the frustration of not being able to place his dinos on the side of the couch, its okay kid.
Saturday: I wish I could've gone to the beach. Got 2 cars washed, but the cchs junior class did not do a good job, sorry guys, its cool though I donated my 10 bucks, haha actually not me, my daddy. Stayed home, chilled, then Ryan's house, new ideas, pictures for 7 dollaaaas?? wow, thanks Rite Aid, you'll be seeing me and my usb soon.
"I see you in a lonely place, how could you be so blue?, you're still regretting the love you left, left behind"
At this moment, at this time, my conscious state of mind is telling me to do something against my subconscious state of mind, for it is those exact people, places, things and sources of insanity that feed my sanity. Understand? Neither do I.
Take chances make mistakes
I don't like failing, cause it leads me to success. SUCK IT UP! May you never give up on an opportunity because you were frightened by its outcome, this is how you lose yourself, this is how you lose your touch, this is how you lose your sense of being. Take the chances before they pass, before they pass you by.
if you never put forth the simple effort to begin with
you need to look at the other side; the grass isn't always greener there but what you may find is that there is still grass on the other side that you can fall on even if its not as comforting as your own
God, save the humans
Thursday: Beverly's kickback/BBQ = smart& final, save mart aka where's the cabbage (lettuce)?? , then Ranch Market to go get bit by the snake even though that rumor is untrue. Wow, Banana chips and sour patch kids, "I only eat the RED ones!!!"..."I want a maple donut", lets go get some said Karen; but instead we get ice cream, whoa, my favorite one too!; OH and btw, I make my Food look 'pretty' =)
Friday: 7 PM tennis was a Bust toooo, FTW??!. lol Kmart with my sister, new tennis balls and nail polish, Score!.. Andrew didn't have any shoes on, hahaha; went to my Ate's house, ate Pssssgetti, garlic bread and salad, salad, salaaaad. Andrew gets frustrated, hahaha he couldn't put the dinosaurs on the side of the couch, Angel says 'what's wrong with you??' and Andrew keeps crying from the frustration of not being able to place his dinos on the side of the couch, its okay kid.
Saturday: I wish I could've gone to the beach. Got 2 cars washed, but the cchs junior class did not do a good job, sorry guys, its cool though I donated my 10 bucks, haha actually not me, my daddy. Stayed home, chilled, then Ryan's house, new ideas, pictures for 7 dollaaaas?? wow, thanks Rite Aid, you'll be seeing me and my usb soon.
"I see you in a lonely place, how could you be so blue?, you're still regretting the love you left, left behind"
At this moment, at this time, my conscious state of mind is telling me to do something against my subconscious state of mind, for it is those exact people, places, things and sources of insanity that feed my sanity. Understand? Neither do I.
I don't like failing, cause it leads me to success. SUCK IT UP! May you never give up on an opportunity because you were frightened by its outcome, this is how you lose yourself, this is how you lose your touch, this is how you lose your sense of being. Take the chances before they pass, before they pass you by.
if you never put forth the simple effort to begin with
you need to look at the other side; the grass isn't always greener there but what you may find is that there is still grass on the other side that you can fall on even if its not as comforting as your own
God, save the humans
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Spare some C H A N G E
7AM tennis was a Bust! HAHAHAHA man.
--->Lorena:"YOU better answer!"/ Eldrin:"LOL I will!"
"One day we'll start a REVOLUTION".. why not now?
"God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference"
1) The world does not revolve around you nor I, it merely orbits around the single force that created it and happens to take these lifeforms striving to live along for one hell of a ride.
2) Find a new way to improve yourself, then build up enough motivation and courage to put yourself aside and help another person improve themselves, because the only way to help yourself is to help others help themselves.
3) I believe the theory that people are born selfish and they ought to learn to be selfless.
4) Make change happen, don't just happen to change.
"Ups and the downs, the sames and the changes.
All the money in the world don't make it painless"
5) There are too many desires to change everyone, its a shame that you can't, for the theory of economics states that scarcity is everywhere and will always exist due to unlimited wants followed by limited resources.
6) If you start blaming yourself for all the people you've lost, there's no turning back, so its a suggestion you stay on course, for drifting away from your natural state of mind can bring danger to your goals.
7) Its okay to let people into your life and try to understand you, being that there's no guarantee that they ever will anyways.
8) Learn to accept similarities but not turn away differences, yet deny the similarities that lead you to turn away from the differences that make you so similar to those who are different.
9) Don't let anyone tell you that you can reach for the stars,do anything you want, be anything you want to be and achieve all your hopes and dreams, for if this were true, I would've been able to fly,swim 3 miles below sea level and climb to the apex of mt. Everest by now.
10) We've become a nation who's self-esteem is on the rise, its the exact reason why depression is the leading apprentice of Death himself; the more you think about yourself, the more you find faults, the more faults you find, the less you want to be yourself. Think of others more often and you'll find you live a more satisfying life.
"I wonder how Gods gon’ paint today’s canvasses"
Post Scriptum:
--->Lorena:"YOU better answer!"/ Eldrin:"LOL I will!"
"One day we'll start a REVOLUTION".. why not now?
"God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference"
1) The world does not revolve around you nor I, it merely orbits around the single force that created it and happens to take these lifeforms striving to live along for one hell of a ride.
2) Find a new way to improve yourself, then build up enough motivation and courage to put yourself aside and help another person improve themselves, because the only way to help yourself is to help others help themselves.
3) I believe the theory that people are born selfish and they ought to learn to be selfless.
4) Make change happen, don't just happen to change.
All the money in the world don't make it painless"
5) There are too many desires to change everyone, its a shame that you can't, for the theory of economics states that scarcity is everywhere and will always exist due to unlimited wants followed by limited resources.
6) If you start blaming yourself for all the people you've lost, there's no turning back, so its a suggestion you stay on course, for drifting away from your natural state of mind can bring danger to your goals.
7) Its okay to let people into your life and try to understand you, being that there's no guarantee that they ever will anyways.
8) Learn to accept similarities but not turn away differences, yet deny the similarities that lead you to turn away from the differences that make you so similar to those who are different.
9) Don't let anyone tell you that you can reach for the stars,do anything you want, be anything you want to be and achieve all your hopes and dreams, for if this were true, I would've been able to fly,swim 3 miles below sea level and climb to the apex of mt. Everest by now.
10) We've become a nation who's self-esteem is on the rise, its the exact reason why depression is the leading apprentice of Death himself; the more you think about yourself, the more you find faults, the more faults you find, the less you want to be yourself. Think of others more often and you'll find you live a more satisfying life.
"I wonder how Gods gon’ paint today’s canvasses"
Post Scriptum:
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Facis me laeta
Congrats Boston =)
and my statement still stands that I don't have a fav. team
6AM Tennis was a Bust! Gahh, I just wanna play hahaha.
Yesterday was pretty fun, chilled with them cool kids at Magoos, watched the game, and Emmanuel fell out of Mary's car and slammed the door into some black car. LOL. I've decided that I'm gonna do whatever it takes to keep 'this' going (its a memo to myself). I think that he finally said 'IT' (yet another memo to myself). One day everything will work out fine, the world will be at peace, starvation will end, poverty and strife will seize to exist, and everyone will go to that special place in the sky. And I want a 'Summer 2008' wish list, I think i'll start it now.
Get my license already
Hangout with all the goofheads
Get a summer job
Chill with ALL of my friends at least once
Jump into the ocean
Tell a boy I'm interested
Do a certain thing with my sis/crystal.
Visit another state or country (LV doesn't count)
Sleep at the tennis courts
Buy 10 new outfits in one day
Party in Richgrove
Go camping
Have a FUN bonfire
Stay on the phone all night
Go fishing
Fall asleep under the stars
Say I love you to a new person
Play Texas Hold 'em w/ A & C
Go to 5 parties in one day
Purchase my own Camera
Not laugh when I get tickled
Draw something new
Slow down time
Talk to someone idk at UCI
Edgar Jr. we're gonna plan something great.
and my statement still stands that I don't have a fav. team
6AM Tennis was a Bust! Gahh, I just wanna play hahaha.
Yesterday was pretty fun, chilled with them cool kids at Magoos, watched the game, and Emmanuel fell out of Mary's car and slammed the door into some black car. LOL. I've decided that I'm gonna do whatever it takes to keep 'this' going (its a memo to myself). I think that he finally said 'IT' (yet another memo to myself). One day everything will work out fine, the world will be at peace, starvation will end, poverty and strife will seize to exist, and everyone will go to that special place in the sky. And I want a 'Summer 2008' wish list, I think i'll start it now.
Get my license already
Hangout with all the goofheads
Get a summer job
Chill with ALL of my friends at least once
Jump into the ocean
Tell a boy I'm interested
Do a certain thing with my sis/crystal.
Visit another state or country (LV doesn't count)
Sleep at the tennis courts
Buy 10 new outfits in one day
Party in Richgrove
Go camping
Have a FUN bonfire
Stay on the phone all night
Go fishing
Fall asleep under the stars
Say I love you to a new person
Play Texas Hold 'em w/ A & C
Go to 5 parties in one day
Purchase my own Camera
Not laugh when I get tickled
Draw something new
Slow down time
Talk to someone idk at UCI
Edgar Jr. we're gonna plan something great.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Summertime in the KCC
"you're not down" <-- stupid phrase that's got my tongue
5am tennis was a bust, Thanks a lot TOOTSIE! (jk)
I went running instead and served for a bit, helloooo summer school students, I found you CJAY!, and Jayren lives in LA now, sayyy whaaat? Nobody answers their phone anymore, pshhhh, I just wanted to say: "good morning, good morning!", but nooo. It's okay though, they'll need me eventually. lol
I want that pikachu hat that PJ was wearing in his pictures from Japan, oh! and that Sebastian the crab hat that litto boy wore at the Morningside Talent Show (+the little mermaid's face, hahahahaha!). oh gosh, it was sad.
Red meat and french fries are no longer welcome, unless my dad gets mad at me again and i HAVE to, oh well, I won't starve. I need to clean my room cause I found two scary spiders, like FREAAAK!, I woke up and it was in front of my face, how disgusting. I thought my room was my safe haven too.
Those Threadless shirts need to come in already, I need to send in my financial aid appeal cause I'm negligent, and I really really really want a summer job !!
Hey boy who has a twin cousin from a different race and has a hammer,
Im really diggin' your myspace profile song right now, its been on repeat hahah Thanks for reminding me about that song.
I'M IN A 90'S FIX still
En Vogue, Janet Jackson, Montell Jordan, TLC, even Hanson
and "SUMMERTIME IN THE LBC" is stuck in my head like on the real fo' real.
I hope today is productive, 'cause I'm tired of wasting summer days just sitting in front of the computer because everyone says its too hot to do anything else, jeez, there's nothing to do at my house, come save me, I'll clean your room for you, or buy you gas, maybe even give you a back massage.
Post Scriptum:
Lets get SNO FUN
5am tennis was a bust, Thanks a lot TOOTSIE! (jk)
I went running instead and served for a bit, helloooo summer school students, I found you CJAY!, and Jayren lives in LA now, sayyy whaaat? Nobody answers their phone anymore, pshhhh, I just wanted to say: "good morning, good morning!", but nooo. It's okay though, they'll need me eventually. lol
I want that pikachu hat that PJ was wearing in his pictures from Japan, oh! and that Sebastian the crab hat that litto boy wore at the Morningside Talent Show (+the little mermaid's face, hahahahaha!). oh gosh, it was sad.
Red meat and french fries are no longer welcome, unless my dad gets mad at me again and i HAVE to, oh well, I won't starve. I need to clean my room cause I found two scary spiders, like FREAAAK!, I woke up and it was in front of my face, how disgusting. I thought my room was my safe haven too.
Those Threadless shirts need to come in already, I need to send in my financial aid appeal cause I'm negligent, and I really really really want a summer job !!
Hey boy who has a twin cousin from a different race and has a hammer,
Im really diggin' your myspace profile song right now, its been on repeat hahah Thanks for reminding me about that song.
I'M IN A 90'S FIX still
En Vogue, Janet Jackson, Montell Jordan, TLC, even Hanson
and "SUMMERTIME IN THE LBC" is stuck in my head like on the real fo' real.
I hope today is productive, 'cause I'm tired of wasting summer days just sitting in front of the computer because everyone says its too hot to do anything else, jeez, there's nothing to do at my house, come save me, I'll clean your room for you, or buy you gas, maybe even give you a back massage.
Post Scriptum:
Lets get SNO FUN
Monday, June 16, 2008
Taste of Melancholy
(Rest in peace Grandpa Pas)
Strangely enough I've found a sort of peacefulness and beauty in funerals; how it brings out a roller coaster of emotions and draws together people from all over who may or may not have met each other before just to immerse themselves in the thousands of memories they've shared or wished they've shared with the deceased.
I met some real cool new relatives though... especially those from New York; I have a new favorite uncle, his name is Les, who's in his late forties, has a six pack, and dresses like a 20 year old with his vest and white Asics. Then there's that one Uncle (Alan) who I recently found out designs top of the line bags, purses, belts, etc. for the famous. Haha, it was so random. oh and RACHEL!, she's so cooool, going to a music conservatory in New York and living that chill city life, I wish we stayed there longer.
All in all, last week was interesting
Gradnite (061108) = I'm LeeAnn's lucky charm
Irvine (061308) = leaving at 6am and getting lost with my parents
Sactown (061408) = My joy in the morbidness of life
Happy Father's Day (061508) = Lakers vs. Celtics
Post Scriptum:
Thank you Eldrin Abuyen, like I said, "I'll love you FOREVER"hahaha
(Rest in peace Grandpa Pas)
Strangely enough I've found a sort of peacefulness and beauty in funerals; how it brings out a roller coaster of emotions and draws together people from all over who may or may not have met each other before just to immerse themselves in the thousands of memories they've shared or wished they've shared with the deceased.
I met some real cool new relatives though... especially those from New York; I have a new favorite uncle, his name is Les, who's in his late forties, has a six pack, and dresses like a 20 year old with his vest and white Asics. Then there's that one Uncle (Alan) who I recently found out designs top of the line bags, purses, belts, etc. for the famous. Haha, it was so random. oh and RACHEL!, she's so cooool, going to a music conservatory in New York and living that chill city life, I wish we stayed there longer.
All in all, last week was interesting
Gradnite (061108) = I'm LeeAnn's lucky charm
Irvine (061308) = leaving at 6am and getting lost with my parents
Sactown (061408) = My joy in the morbidness of life
Happy Father's Day (061508) = Lakers vs. Celtics
Post Scriptum:
Thank you Eldrin Abuyen, like I said, "I'll love you FOREVER"hahaha
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